Black and Blue Review

Black and Blue Review

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According to the Panthers, Cam Newton is the Same Cam Newton

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  • MattG125

    Brother Bill, is it legitimate to worry about a Carr/Schaub situation where Newton gets so shaken that his confidence doesn’t recover?

    The Panthers brass seems to be a step behind, dating all the way back to the offseason ankle surgery.

  • MattG125

    Brother Bill, is it legitimate to worry about a Carr/Schaub situation where Newton gets so shaken that his confidence doesn’t recover?

    The Panthers brass seems to be a step behind, dating all the way back to the offseason ankle surgery.

  • jlknny

    Franchise QB?? Seriously, he’s not even close. He was better as a rookie than he is now by far. He’s battered, spiritless, and his mechanics are bad. Believe me, the bean counters in Carolina are very concerned and should be. Newtown looks like a QB who has aged tremendously in 3 or 4 years. NO NFL QB can run north and south so much and not have a shortened and less successful career. Running QBs don’t make it in the NFL……get used to it.

  • jlknny

    Franchise QB?? Seriously, he’s not even close. He was better as a rookie than he is now by far. He’s battered, spiritless, and his mechanics are bad. Believe me, the bean counters in Carolina are very concerned and should be. Newtown looks like a QB who has aged tremendously in 3 or 4 years. NO NFL QB can run north and south so much and not have a shortened and less successful career. Running QBs don’t make it in the NFL……get used to it.

  • ZHelms1116

    BlackBlueReview I say it is a throne of lies

  • ZHelms1116

    BlackBlueReview I say it is a throne of lies

  • jason_talk_dumb

    BlackBlueReview a month ago he’s playing the best of his career, now we should worry about him being a franchise?

  • jason_talk_dumb

    BlackBlueReview a month ago he’s playing the best of his career, now we should worry about him being a franchise?

  • my1voice57

    Of course Cam needs to make some better decisions at times but lets face the facts. Cam has been saddled with some of the most sub-par players in the NFL this season. No talent on the O-Line is getting the guy killed. The secondary is a joke, he has a choice of essentially two primary targets, KB and Greg Olsen, and he has no really reliable special teams options. He has bad ribs, bad ankle, and a bad thumb. Although dealing with in season injuries is part of the NFL, let’s be clear, he is a sitting duck for further injury because of Gettleman’s gamble on Byron Bell and Nate Chandler as his offensive anchors and backups consisting of UDFA, Canadians, and rookies. Ron Rivera can’t be serious with his assessment of both the team’s play last night and his assessment of Cam seeming fine to him? If so, we need a new head coach. At some point it’s time to get real and call a spade a spade.

    This team is plain and simple not a good team. The talent level is sub-par which is plain to see. I know that Rivera claims that he is naturally an optimistic person but his demeanor and comments seem like he is in denial.

    Clearly, Dave Gettleman, Ron Rivera, and Mike Shula are not doing their jobs very well this year. 1. Dave for knowingly putting their already injured franchise QB behind an incredibly horrendous untalented o-line, trying to start a rebuild with cheap sub-standard players in the defensive backfield, for getting rid of a saavy veteran receiver like Smitty, and for neglecting the importance of players like Ted Ginn on special teams. 2. Ron Rivera for not being able to make the tough calls such as protecting Cam from further injury by taking him out of the game when it was painfully obvious to everyone with the exception of Ron Rivera that Cam was in pain and he was getting decimated, for not making a decision to replace Shula as offensive coordinator for his poor, vanilla, and predictable play calling, and for not coming to grips with the fact that the 2014 Panthers are not the 2013 Panthers and he can’t scheme like they are. 3. Shula for the reasons already mentioned. The team has no speed at WR, no speed or craftiness in the secondary, and no speed on special teams. At this point I’m not sure that Rivera is the right man for the job. But I’m prepared to give him another year as long as Gettleman is prepared to field a better team for Cam and Rivera.

  • my1voice57

    Of course Cam needs to make some better decisions at times but lets face the facts. Cam has been saddled with some of the most sub-par players in the NFL this season. No talent on the O-Line is getting the guy killed. The secondary is a joke, he has a choice of essentially two primary targets, KB and Greg Olsen, and he has no really reliable special teams options. He has bad ribs, bad ankle, and a bad thumb. Although dealing with in season injuries is part of the NFL, let’s be clear, he is a sitting duck for further injury because of Gettleman’s gamble on Byron Bell and Nate Chandler as his offensive anchors and backups consisting of UDFA, Canadians, and rookies. Ron Rivera can’t be serious with his assessment of both the team’s play last night and his assessment of Cam seeming fine to him? If so, we need a new head coach. At some point it’s time to get real and call a spade a spade.

    This team is plain and simple not a good team. The talent level is sub-par which is plain to see. I know that Rivera claims that he is naturally an optimistic person but his demeanor and comments seem like he is in denial.

    Clearly, Dave Gettleman, Ron Rivera, and Mike Shula are not doing their jobs very well this year. 1. Dave for knowingly putting their already injured franchise QB behind an incredibly horrendous untalented o-line, trying to start a rebuild with cheap sub-standard players in the defensive backfield, for getting rid of a saavy veteran receiver like Smitty, and for neglecting the importance of players like Ted Ginn on special teams. 2. Ron Rivera for not being able to make the tough calls such as protecting Cam from further injury by taking him out of the game when it was painfully obvious to everyone with the exception of Ron Rivera that Cam was in pain and he was getting decimated, for not making a decision to replace Shula as offensive coordinator for his poor, vanilla, and predictable play calling, and for not coming to grips with the fact that the 2014 Panthers are not the 2013 Panthers and he can’t scheme like they are. 3. Shula for the reasons already mentioned. The team has no speed at WR, no speed or craftiness in the secondary, and no speed on special teams. At this point I’m not sure that Rivera is the right man for the job. But I’m prepared to give him another year as long as Gettleman is prepared to field a better team for Cam and Rivera.

  • jlknny

    I agree overall with your comment but ALL NFL QBs play hurt and have to. Cam looked punch drunk, spiritless, bored and otherwise distracted. Plus, he’s beat up physically too………….a bad combination. He looks old to say the least, heavier too.

  • jlknny

    I agree overall with your comment but ALL NFL QBs play hurt and have to. Cam looked punch drunk, spiritless, bored and otherwise distracted. Plus, he’s beat up physically too………….a bad combination. He looks old to say the least, heavier too.

  • hill19_hill

    BlackBlueReview that sounds about right

  • hill19_hill

    BlackBlueReview that sounds about right

  • Jake H

    Its time for everybody to get a white t-shirt and write the same thing on it for the rest of the panther games. New coach/gm/owner for accepting mediocre…. If rr and oc aint changed im done watching blowouts. If everybody will come together on this they will have to make changes. Bein the nice guy only gets u soo far. Mark my words if nothin changes the panthers will be in LA or london. I dnt think we could even beat the jags or raiders smh… John gruden or Steelers old hc that lives in Nc. Sumthin plz….

  • Jake H

    Its time for everybody to get a white t-shirt and write the same thing on it for the rest of the panther games. New coach/gm/owner for accepting mediocre…. If rr and oc aint changed im done watching blowouts. If everybody will come together on this they will have to make changes. Bein the nice guy only gets u soo far. Mark my words if nothin changes the panthers will be in LA or london. I dnt think we could even beat the jags or raiders smh… John gruden or Steelers old hc that lives in Nc. Sumthin plz….

  • Jake H

    Plz tell me how much worse SHill or anybody else on our ps would be than our current wr. Minus KB.

  • Jake H

    Plz tell me how much worse SHill or anybody else on our ps would be than our current wr. Minus KB.

  • jlknny

    All I know is Newton looks HORRIBLE both physically and mentally, like a guy who doesn’t want to play tackle football.

  • jlknny

    All I know is Newton looks HORRIBLE both physically and mentally, like a guy who doesn’t want to play tackle football.

  • Jake H

    He dnt wanna be out there. Would any other franchise qb wanna play behind our line. He look good in practice cause he goin against our defense smh…. They make everybody look great…..

  • Jake H

    He dnt wanna be out there. Would any other franchise qb wanna play behind our line. He look good in practice cause he goin against our defense smh…. They make everybody look great…..

  • jlknny

    Jake–I hear you but many teams have poor offensive linemen but they still play. He looked completely out of it.

  • jlknny

    Jake–I hear you but many teams have poor offensive linemen but they still play. He looked completely out of it.