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8 thoughts on “Panthers’ Kelvin Benjamin: “I Had a Bad Season””
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BlackBlueReview Crazy but he does point to things he came up short in, and sees he tired. Love the hunger & bodes well for next year.
BlackBlueReview Crazy but he does point to things he came up short in, and sees he tired. Love the hunger & bodes well for next year.
If he takes care of his body does all the things in the off season to prepare physically and mentally he will be the dominant receiver in the NFL let alone the division…
If he takes care of his body does all the things in the off season to prepare physically and mentally he will be the dominant receiver in the NFL let alone the division…
Glad to hear this young man realizing that there are things that he can do to get even better and that he is willing to do it to be great.
Glad to hear this young man realizing that there are things that he can do to get even better and that he is willing to do it to be great.
Its scary to imagine KB coming back in better shape. If he is able to just fix the concentration drops alone he would have had 15 TDs 1300 yards. Getts hit a home run with KB.
Its scary to imagine KB coming back in better shape. If he is able to just fix the concentration drops alone he would have had 15 TDs 1300 yards. Getts hit a home run with KB.