[vc_row_inner no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”] A s expected, the Panthers used one of their first three picks in this year’s draft on an offensive lineman. But it wasn’t for a much-needed tackle. Instead, general manager Dave Gettleman made LSU guard Trai Turner his third-round choice.Turner doesn’t turn 21 until next month, but he’s very much a grown man, at least in size. That’s why so many were awed by what he did at February’s Combine. A 6-2, 310-pounder isn’t supposed to run a 4.93 40-yard dash. But when Turner did, his stock started to skyrocket.While many believed he could be a first-round pick in next year’s draft, Turner decided to jump to the pros after starting 20 straight games for the Tigers. In a season and a half, he played 1,416 snaps and had 115 knockdown blocks while becoming an All-SEC second-team player last season.Gettleman loves his hog mollies, and he landed a big one in Turner.”He gives us the power that we’re looking for. He can displace defensive linemen. He’s a tough, nasty kid,” Gettleman said Friday night.Even though Turner is still a work in progress, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him start come September. The Panthers dealt with injuries at guard all last season, and they still have plenty of question marks.Expected starter Amini Silatolu is coming off a torn ACL, while 2013 fourth-round pick Edmund Kubila is in danger of missing OTAs and minicamp. Garry Williams, who won a starting job last season before tearing his ACL in Week 1, will be in a competition at right tackle.So the path seems clear for Turner to grab a starting role. While young, he did gain experience in a pro-style offense at LSU.”I know that they like to pull their guards a lot. There is a lot of downhill blocking and basically the same schemes that I ran at LSU. A lot of power and a lot of zone,” Turner said on a conference call with Carolina media Friday night. “I know they like to pull the ball with Cam (Newton) and run the ball downhill. That’s what I love to do.”A guy from LSU paving the way for a former Auburn Tiger? Sports really does bring people together.It almost makes you feeling like … dancing?
Love this MT @mshamburger1: LSU Wins, Chubby Lineman With Stomach Exposed Dances http://t.co/8t9H34YWLf via @thebiglead— Jason McIntyre (@jasonrmcintyre) January 1, 2014
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type=”center” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h3″]Post-Draft Conference Call Transcript[/custom_headline]
RE: On if he is excited to be drafted by the Panthers
Coach (Ray) Brown and I have a good relationship; he came and worked me out. I didn’t expect it honestly, but I couldn’t be happier.
RE: On why he didn’t expect it
My mind was everywhere honestly. Maybe tomorrow, maybe later, I didn’t know who and I didn’t have a specific team. I’m just happy to be a Panther, that’s all I can say.
RE: On his 40-time at the combine
I’ve always been pretty quick, pretty fast. I knew that was something I had that could set me apart from other guards. I just went out there, I trained at IMG, I worked my tail off and I did all I could do. It paid off for me.
RE: On his decision to declare for the draft early
I just felt like I was ready at that point and time. It was my dream. I felt like I had accomplished what I could at school at that point and time. Going into this draft, I felt like I was one of the top guards who could go and help an NFL team. That’s what I plan on doing.
RE: On describing his playing style
I’m physical. I’m able to overpower big defensive tackles and play the strong arm game. I’m also able to finesse and get up to the second level and deal with quicker defensive ends. Just being able to pull around and be an overall non-traditional guard so to speak.
RE: On if he was aware of the Panthers needs at offensive line
Honestly no, I didn’t keep up with those kinds of things. I’m big in my faith and I just prayed on it. I knew God would lead me in the right direction and he would take care of it all. I went out there and did everything I could do physically and I knew that would take care of everything else.
RE: On possibly playing tackle for the Panthers
If need be, I could play any position they need me to play. I’m just ready to get there and go to work.
RE: On if he is more of a natural right guard than a left guard
Being that I played right guard at LSU, I’m used to being in the right guard stance more often than left but it doesn’t matter. I could play left or right, any position is fine with me.
RE: On if it’s exciting to come to a team that places such an emphasis on running the ball
Without a doubt, that’s my thing. I love going downhill and I love to attack three techniques, nose tackles and also be able to double team and get the linebackers.
RE: On how he feels the SEC prepared him for the NFL
I think it was one of toughest conferences to play in, with some of the best players coming out of. I was fortunate to be able to play at LSU and fortunate to go up against top tier talent. I think it has put me in the mindset mentally and physically to be able to take the wear and tear of the NFL each week.
RE: On if he has a specific weight or is he happy where he is
Whatever the coaches feel is good for me and whatever they feel like I move well at will be suitable for me. It doesn’t really matter. Weight is not an issue for me; I can pick it up or put it down. Wherever I need to be is where I’ll be.
RE: On what he knows about the Panthers personnel at guard
I know that they like to pull their guards a lot. There is a lot of downhill blocking and basically the same schemes that I ran at LSU. A lot of power and a lot of zone. I know they like to pull the ball with Cam (Newton) and run the ball downhill. That’s what I love to do.
RE: On when he will be in Charlotte
I will be in Charlotte tomorrow.
Dave Gettleman: I’m excited. We had another good day and we got better. We did. We got two young, talented kids. We had a first-round value on Kony Ealy. He’s got a lot of potential. When I watched him on tape, I felt like I was looking at a young Osi Umenyiora. He’s got that kind of athletic ability. Osi was a little raw like he is, but like I said, he’s got a lot of athletic ability, a lot of speed. The thing that he does that’s unusual is he can go inside and sub and play the three-technique and he’s a legitimate pass rusher in there. It’s not too big for him; he’s not afraid of the big boys. Of course, they can’t grab him half of the time. He was an outstanding value at that spot. We worked him out. We went through the whole process with him and we feel very, very good about drafting him.
The kid in the third round is a hog mollie, Trai Turner. He’s young, he’s only 20-years old. Obviously you guys know he played at LSU. He gives us the power that we’re looking for. He can displace defensive linemen. He’s a tough, nasty kid. He plays that way. He pulls well enough for us because that’s an important part of the guard spot for us. We’re very pleased to get him there. We got him at the value we felt he was. We had a good day.
RE: On what Ron Rivera likes about Turner
RR: What I like about Trai is his nastiness, his finish. He has an edge to him. He is a good puller, gets around the edge. We run power, it’s one of our primary running plays, and we also run the zone where they have to get to the second level to work off the doubles. I like his ability to get to the second level. He is pretty good in space and he knows how to lock up. When he takes a shot at a guy it’s usually a good shot and not an errant shot. He is a little stiff in the hips at times, so he has to make sure he is always in a good football position. If he ends up being straight legged or tall, then he is prone to miss. The one thing I do know and I heard this tonight, in the last four games he played, he played every snap. There is that durability. He is a young guy, a young man, who has a long way to go in terms of developing and learning. The other big positive about it too, and this can’t be discounted, is that at LSU Cam Cameron is their offensive coordinator. His system is very similar to what we do. A lot of the calls are the same and a lot of the protections are the same. Running plays are the same. That would make the transition very easy and you are looking for guys who play in a little bit of a pro-style. That was one of the things that Kelvin (Benjamin) said today. At Florida State, they run a pro-style offense. That’s great, because now you know that they understand protections and running plays. Those are beneficial to us in terms of looking for guys like that.
RE: On if Turner is strictly a guard
DG: No, he doesn’t have the length.
RE: On if he is a right guard
DG: He is a guard.
RR: He has some center ability. He played some center early on in his career. He could potentially give us something there as well.
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If Martavis Bryant is there in the 4th or Bruce Ellington I don’t see how you pass them up to pair with Benjamin
sdanner52 ThaJTL Begasu26 clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam I guess I like it. Not in love with our draft but definitely don’t hate it
aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Begasu26 clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam Yeah,we would’ve done some different moves but I’m good with it.
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam I love the living hell out of this draft just give me some mo!
aidendrakesdad Begasu26 sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam he’s the god of optimism bro.
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam Lol I’m being realistic we have so much depth it’s crazy
clyde1784 Begasu26 sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam its a wrap. Lmao
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam I don’t have a single doubt we dominate
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Who got MoMo?
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam lmbo Y’all can’t tell me you don’t feel exactly the same?
Begasu26 sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam for me we still haven’t addressed our biggest needs
aidendrakesdad clyde1784 sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam hahaha
Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam I don’t feel the same lol
sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam The skids
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Well,we had our chances.
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam It’s coming Signing Godfrey changed a few things and I believe they didn’t
Begasu26 sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Kony Ealy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnDBERvoh-U
sdanner52 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam atleast we got trai turner so it makes up for it
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam like the tackles the Mummy went in the third and we wanted him in the first
clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam lol
clyde1784 sdanner52 Begasu26 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam that helps
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Come on man I know you do it’s just the MooMoo thing
Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam I like Ealy & turner but I don’t like Benjamin
KaneRowell sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam I’m stoked!
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Yep and it’s not over yet.
KaneRowell Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Nice.
KaneRowell sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam That’s a good vid man
clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Right don’t worry we’ll get Tiny
Begasu26 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam maybe. Not as high on tiny though
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Whaaaaat!?
Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam is it really that shocking? Lol
Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam i hated the dude through out the entire pre-draft process
KaneRowell Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam That is touching,sad but inspirational.
clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Come on man you sound like a muddy waters song we good watch how it workout
sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL http://twitter.com/JellyIntoAJam/status/465129791621177345/photo/1
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Lmbo Benjamin is a beast
JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL lol could that be a shot fired?
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Look Gettleman was happy to draft him you must know that’s a good thing
clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam lol
clyde1784 Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL That will change when he goes up over Richard Sherman in the end zone.
sdanner52 Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam he’s talented and motivated. Watch out!
JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Begasu26 ThaJTL Too bad we missed him.
Begasu26 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam not entirely. Every GM has a bust. Doesn’t get more boom/bust than Benjamin
JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 clyde1784 Begasu26 ThaJTL I’d he talking smack with that?
KaneRowell Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam All of our DEs will still be pretty fresh in the 4th quarter.
aidendrakesdad sdanner52 clyde1784 Begasu26 ThaJTL No, I think he was legitimately confused.
clyde1784 Begasu26 sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam nah. He is ascending. Not descending like Lee
JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 clyde1784 Begasu26 ThaJTL if so I feel bad for him.
JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Dam poor guy was listening to Clyde
clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Not really ain’t nobody want his mummy ass
JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL Dam right
clyde1784 aidendrakesdad sdanner52 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam lol
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Lmao Willy,that’s a good one!!
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL lmao
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL I could give 2 shits about him now that he’s a redskin
sdanner52 Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam he can play DT on 3rd down as well. McDermott loves versatility on D.
sdanner52 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL lol Clyde is my boy
KaneRowell sdanner52 Begasu26 clyde1784 ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam he was really good rushing from inside last year
clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL hahaha
KaneRowell sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL We got 4 now this is crazy
clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL hahaha now we got the Bigfoot Kelvin
KaneRowell Begasu26 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL JellyIntoAJam Yep,he’s kinda like Hardy.
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL we got Mr Drops a lot
clyde1784 JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL we’ll see
clyde1784 Begasu26 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL When does Day 3 start up?
Some pretty good CBs still there. (Exum)
JellyIntoAJam Begasu26 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL 12 or 1 eastern time I think
JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL 12am
JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 sdanner52 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL 12pm
JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 Begasu26 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Noon on NFL Network.
sdanner52 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Come on Bryant, McGill!
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL If they last till us.
sdanner52 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Cat_Chronicles Here’s a question is Travis Bond our starting right tackle?
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Cat_Chronicles We will wait and see I guess.
sdanner52 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Gettleman brings him up also. If he can then we should keep that in mind
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL If he’s still there when we pick.
sdanner52 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL We already got him on the team
Begasu26 sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Cat_Chronicles No. Most likely Garry Williams or Nate Chandler…Bell if he isnt LT
Begasu26 JellyIntoAJam clyde1784 aidendrakesdad ThaJTL Lol,it’s hard keeping up.
JellyIntoAJam sdanner52 clyde1784 aidendrakesdad Cat_Chronicles I can tell you Gettleman don’t lie and the answer is we don’t know
JellyIntoAJam I think he was stressed and kept thing ‘the panthers have to take me’ at pick 60. Just didn’t get the thought out of his head