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NFL draft diary: San Jose State cornerback Bene’ Benwikere
NFL draft diary: Bene’ Benwikere recalls first concussion
NFL draft diary: Bene’ Benwikere getting in top shape
San Jose State’s Bene Benwikere released from hospital
[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” inner_container=”true”][custom_headline type=”center” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h3″]Post-Draft Conference Call Transcript[/custom_headline]
RE: On how it feels to be drafted
It feels great. I’m extremely excited and looking forward to the opportunity.
RE: On his pre-draft process with the Panthers
I had Coach (Steve) Wilks and Coach (Ron) Rivera came down to work me out. We just went over work on the board. Coach Wilks explained a few defenses to me, he gave me a test afterwards and I was able to explain things back to him. We then took it out to the field, where we did a bunch of ball drills to see how I tracked the ball in the air and see my footwork. It was a great time, actually.
RE: On how many meetings/workouts he had with Panthers coaches
It was one workout. They all came to my school.
RE: On what the tests were like
It was board work as far as defensive schemes and coverage’s. Seeing what the front line does and trying to see how much I understand football as a player. X’s and O’s, the more you know, the faster you can play. He just tested me to see how much I knew.
RE: On his strengths
Making plays on the ball, I’m definitely an athlete that can catch the ball. I’m very smart, intelligent and I have a lot of versatility and I’m going to make plays for you.
RE: On the origin of his last name
My dad is Nigerian.
RE: On his father’s origin
He was Nigerian born. He came to the states at the age of 19 with a visa and went to Oklahoma State. He was originally trying to play soccer, but they discontinued the soccer program so he started working and got his degree.
RE: On his mother’s background
My mother is from Los Angeles.
RE: On if his name has any special meaning
My first name, Bene, means good in French.
RE: On the Panthers defense:
I know they have an extremely powerful front seven. I know that they’ve gotten a lot of guys earlier in the draft, especially the linebackers crew. They have awesome linebackers and guys that are a bunch of playmakers. With a bunch of playmakers, everyone just needs to do their own job and their own assignment and everyone can flourish.
RE: On his expectations
I just want to come in and get to work. I’m blessed with the opportunity, so I just want to show them that I’m qualified to be on the team and help out in any way.
RE: On getting seven interceptions during his junior season
Not really, I wasn’t getting really thrown at all year. I got four and then coming into our last game, it was the best quarterback in our conference from Louisiana Tech. He tested me all game and I ended up with three interceptions in the last game of our regular season, tying our school record.
RE: On if he had a sense that the Panthers were interested
I knew they were interested, but I didn’t know if that meant I was going to be drafted, if that meant if I was going to be drafted then what round? No clue really as to that, but I did know they were interested and I was interested in them too. After I had my workout with Coach Rivera and Coach Wilks, I immediately felt strong about that and I looked at the roster, all the guys they had, the statistics and seeing how powerful their front seven is. I know they have a rusher that had 16 sacks. I thought this would be a great fit and I’m excited about it.
RE: On if the Panthers have told him where they see him fitting with the defense
They like my versatility, so I know they told me the corner position. They are also going to try me in other places and see exactly how that works. I think they are looking at me as a corner.
RE: On if he can play the slot
Yes, definitely, I’ve played the slot.
RE: On if his best strength is his speed or his instinct
I think I have a good portion of both, but definitely instincts. I think instincts actually come from preparation. I study film a lot, so you study film and when game time comes, I kind of know what’s going on and I understand the play as it develops. That helps me to get myself in position to make a good play.
General Manager Dave Gettleman
Then in the fifth round, we moved up and we addressed our corner situation. (Bene) Benwikere, the kid out of San Jose, he’s got excellent ball skills, he’s very smart like Tre. He’s a 21 test score. That’s important back there. You don’t want people back there dropping coverages, just plain and simple. So we really liked what Bene brings. He’s going to have an opportunity to compete at the nickel spot right off the bat.
RE: How he handled the trade
DG: (Executive Assistant to the General Manager) Toni Miller handles that by phone. (Director of Football Operations) Brandon Beane really did a great job handling the room today standing in there and organizing everything. He was tremendous. We talked about everything and again there was no difference, I was just in a different place physically. The trade was fine; we discussed it at length and realized it was a great move. In fact I had a GM from another team text me after we did it and say ‘wow that was a great move’ so it really was not a difficult process.
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