With the NFL Draft now just two weeks away, it’s a good time for some podcasts.First up is Greg Gabriel, who was a scout for 30 years, including nearly a decade as the Bears’ Director of College Scouting. He now makes regular appearances on 670 the Score in Chicago and writes for National Football Post. A couple of his recent articles have provided a backroom view of what teams are doing in this stretch run and some of the games they play with each other.While you may already know about some of the details we chat about, he also shares a handful of other nuggets and stories that provide an interesting perspective to the draft process.Rundown:
1:20 – Where do most draft boards stand right now?2:50 – Is there such a thing as “fast risers” this late?4:10 – How much do pro days, workouts and visits matter?8:15 – Should we read into who’s visiting and who’s working out?10:50 – Relationship with Dave Gettleman?11:35 – Does Gettleman use smokescreens?13:30 – How many offensive linemen can play left tackle in the NFL?16:60 – Benefits of mock drafts?
Listen on iTunes, Stitcher or press play below
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