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1. Hardy is Nearly Assured to Face the Panthers on Thanksgiving
He can and will likely appeal, but currently, Hardy won’t be eligible for reinstatement until after the Cowboys’ 10th game. They have a bye in Week 6, so that means the first game he could play would be in Week 12. And wouldn’t you know it, that’s the same week the Cowboys face the Panthers on Thanksgiving.If the NFL wanted to take attention away from its domestic violence issues, this bit of coincidental scheduling is not in their best interest. And facing an angry Hardy in his first game in 14 months is horrible timing for the Panthers.
2. Draft Pick Compensation Remains Unlikely
As spelled out in this post last week, the Panthers don’t expect to gain any comp picks next year. Losing a marquee free agent like Hardy would tend to get a team an extra third-round choice, but Carolina could sense a long suspension was coming.Since the comp pick process is so complicated and secretive, it’s impossible to know with certainty that the Panthers will be shutout next year. But they still need at least a couple of their former players to sign elsewhere by the middle of next month and Hardy may not count for much, or at all, if he plays just six games.
I would like to know how a 10 game suspension hurts that player? How does it hurt him when he gets to join the rest of the season fresh and everybody else is banged up? I say let him play the first six games and then suspend him. That sounds like a punishment.
Money, conditioning, it will affect his chemistry with that team as well. Im not 100% but I think he also doesn’t partake in practice or any team activites before the suspension is lifted. It really hurt Frank Alexander last year. I dont think he started last year and he never really played as well as the previous year. It also severly cut his play time after the suspension. Hardy is on a one year deal so his production is the biggest factor for his next deal. This hurts him a lot. What I dont see is how his suspension is figured into our comp picks. He is good in our system and thats what we lost, the league will interfere with his potential and subsequently their ability to projest his value, rather the lost value, to us.
I would like to know how a 10 game suspension hurts that player? How does it hurt him when he gets to join the rest of the season fresh and everybody else is banged up? I say let him play the first six games and then suspend him. That sounds like a punishment.
Money, conditioning, it will affect his chemistry with that team as well. Im not 100% but I think he also doesn’t partake in practice or any team activites before the suspension is lifted. It really hurt Frank Alexander last year. I dont think he started last year and he never really played as well as the previous year. It also severly cut his play time after the suspension. Hardy is on a one year deal so his production is the biggest factor for his next deal. This hurts him a lot. What I dont see is how his suspension is figured into our comp picks. He is good in our system and thats what we lost, the league will interfere with his potential and subsequently their ability to projest his value, rather the lost value, to us.
Greg Hardy is no Steve Smith. Panthers won’t let another “blood and guts” game go down.
Greg Hardy is no Steve Smith. Panthers won’t let another “blood and guts” game go down.