Really excited to meet my new teammate @randywattson ! 😎
— Graham Gano (@GrahamGano) March 9, 2016
@randywattson we get it, you needed some attention 👏🏾
— Trai Turner (@trai_turner) March 9, 2016
@randywattson yesssss lawd!!!! He's back!!!!
— Jonathan Stewart (@Jonathanstewar1) March 9, 2016
Happy to see my boy @randywattson back with the squad. He sets the tone for our front and lives in that backfield
— Wes Horton (@wesso_96) March 9, 2016
They say HOME is where the heart is! I'm glad my brother @cjgeorgia99 heart is still in Carolina! Now let's Finish The Drill!!! #PantherNation make sure you guys show @cjgeorgia99 how much we love and appreciate him!!!
A photo posted by td58 (@td58) on
— Ryan Kalil (@ryankalil) March 9, 2016
#WelcomeBackCJ! The #Panthers have signed DE Charles Johnson (@cjgeorgia99) to a one-year deal! #KeepPounding
A photo posted by Carolina Panthers (@panthers) on
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it #imjustdiffrenttypeofperson #alliknowiscarolina #allieverwanttoknowiscarolina #gottohaveittoturnitdown #restaurantcomingstartoftheseason #oneyearImbettingonmyself #pricegoingupnextyear😂
A video posted by Charles Johnson (@cjgeorgia99) on
Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within #restaurantcomingsoon #GladtohaveaJOB #lilcjwassleep😂🙄
— charles johnson (@randywattson) March 9, 2016
Since lil CJ had a late night ( must have od on apple juice smh 😂) he missed the signing, message to the @Panthers
— charles johnson (@randywattson) March 9, 2016