He’s arguably the most important player in franchise history and a divisive figure nationally, so Carolina quarterback Cam Newton naturally dominates Panthers’ headlines. But this offseason, the biggest Newton storyline has remained under the radar.Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard about a prank his teammates pulled on him and from a critical 10-year-old in Virginia. Some have even debated if he should be bouncing around in inflatable plastic balls. Whether any of those topics were anything more than offseason filler is understandably debatable, so today, let’s talk about something that truly matters — Newton’s health.The Panthers have added nine new players and re-signed nine of their own the last two months, but it’s not a huge stretch to think they’ve improved at quarterback as well.Think about where Newton was last year at this time — in a boot after ankle surgery. Plus, he could only watch as his receiving corps was being rebuilt. Instead of getting to know his new guys on the field during offseason workouts, Newton faced months of rehab. And even though he mistakenly assumed he could be pain-free by training camp, he would have to be the real Superman to feel 100 percent by then.Newton’s ankle was structurally sound, but playing with pain was part of the healing process. For most patients, it takes a full calendar year before the discomfort disappears.13 months removed from surgery, Newton’s ankle likely feels better than it has since he originally injured it during his days at Auburn. And even though he’s still making weekly trips to that campus to finish up his degree, he’s not expected to miss much or any of Carolina’s offseason workouts, which kick off next Monday.So this spring and summer, instead of staying attached at the hip with head trainer Ryan Vermillion, Newton will be on the field. His ankle should feel fine, and he’ll already know most of his receivers.The Panthers have made some key improvements this offseason, but none may be as important as a healthier franchise quarterback.